COMMERCIAL AIR DUCT CLEANINGBoerne Air Duct Cleaning Pros are commercial building air duct cleaning experts. We know running a business isn't easy, but it's even harder when the environment you're doing work in is hazardous to your health. If you're in charge of a commercial structure, the responsibility of keeping your employees safe falls on you and you alone. You might be following every safety protocol to the letter, but overlooking the state of your air ducts can prove just as dangerous as your construction employees not wearing hard hats.
Call 830-302-3888DIRTY commercial AIR DUCTS |
Knowing the effects of unclean air ducts in commercial structures is quite a bit more difficult than it is with residential ones. For starters, homes tend to be fairly smaller than many commercial structures, meaning there are rarely more than five people living under the same roof. With commercial structures, though, you could have dozens or even hundreds of employees in the building – some of them might be experiencing a full range of air duct-related health issues while others will suffer from none.
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What complicates things further is that employees will sometimes hesitate to mention these issues for fear of getting on their employer's bad side. If you're running a business venture with more than a few employees, you'd do well to perform a survey that inquires about any respiratory issues the people working under you might be experiencing – for best results, you can even make it anonymous.
In general, though, you can look for employees that are coughing and wheezing over longer periods (anything lasting longer than a week or two should be cause for alarm). Taking note of each area of the building might also help – due to their size, some parts of commercial structures might be a lot more affected by unclean ducts than others.
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While noticing symptoms of unclean air ducts is a good reason to call us, it's far from the only one. Wanting the peace of mind that comes from knowing your ducts are pristine is perfectly reasonable, and we'll come to your aid even if you called us over a hunch. We start every cleaning process by a thorough examination of every inch of your air ducts. The larger the commercial structure, the more complex this process will be.
While our RotoVision camera has a lengthy 65 foot-long cable, it's rarely enough to cover a business structure in one sitting. We're likely going to have to move around a bit in order to examine every corner of your ducts, and we'd like to have you with us as we do it – the camera footage will be available for download later on, but many of our customers don't want to wait that long.
Once we've examined every part of your duct system, it's time to let our RotoBrush do its magic. The mechanism of work isn't too dissimilar from the RotoVision camera – a cable-mounted electric brush is inserted into the duct and guided along its depth, sweeping every last bit of dirt as it passes through.
Once we've examined every part of your duct system, it's time to let our RotoBrush do its magic. The mechanism of work isn't too dissimilar from the RotoVision camera – a cable-mounted electric brush is inserted into the duct and guided along its depth, sweeping every last bit of dirt as it passes through.
Again, due to the size of many commercial structures we work on, this process might take quite a bit more than the few hours it would take us to clean a person's home. Rest assured, however, that we won't rush our work in any way – we're not leaving until your whole duct system is clean.
Because of how modern our duct cleaning procedure is, you and your employees are free to continue your work as we do ours. Our cleaning will neither threaten your safety nor lower your productivity in any way, unless your air duct openings are positioned in a way that forces your workers to temporarily relocate while we're on the job. Most of the time, though, this won't be the case. |
With commercial procedures, we like to start in the early morning so that we can finish our work by evening at the latest even in the case of the largest buildings with the dirtiest ducts. While we never rush things, we will keep in mind that we're working on a business structure that needs to maintain its daily workings and will look to wrap things up in the shortest amount of time possible. After we're done, we will again ask you to monitor the RotoVision live feed with us to assure you that your ducts are indeed clean and free of any pollutants. As already mentioned, the footage will be available later on for you, your employees, 'the boss's boss' or anyone else who might need it.
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When talking residential structures, we're generally able to give out a rough estimate based on the average size of many homes. This isn't as feasible with commercial structures, as they can be small, medium or large, and our fee will have to be adjusted in accordance.
We might be able to charge you around $450-$750 if you have a small-size structure, or we might need to ask for several times that if we're working on a large building. The size of the duct system is also important here, as smaller commercial structures can have complicated air ducts depending on their location and the type of work being done. Similarly, workings inside a commercial structure will almost always produce more dirt and different kinds of pollutants than those inside a home, so the cost might have to be adjusted with that in mind as well.
We'll gladly give you an estimate of the total cost free of obligation, and you're welcome to look elsewhere if you feel that you can get a better deal, although you aren't likely to – our prices are a perfect combination of quality of service and affordability.
The cost of cleaning a large commercial structure might seem over-the-top to certain owners. In these cases, we encourage the client to think of the procedure from an investment standpoint: the costs of heating and air conditioning a commercial structure are often massive on their own, and are greatly increased when the ventilation system isn't working properly. Having your air ducts cleaned might improve the effectiveness of your HVAC system by as much as 40% - that's a good deal however you look at it, and it's an investment that's bound to pay itself off in a relatively short amount of time.
We might be able to charge you around $450-$750 if you have a small-size structure, or we might need to ask for several times that if we're working on a large building. The size of the duct system is also important here, as smaller commercial structures can have complicated air ducts depending on their location and the type of work being done. Similarly, workings inside a commercial structure will almost always produce more dirt and different kinds of pollutants than those inside a home, so the cost might have to be adjusted with that in mind as well.
We'll gladly give you an estimate of the total cost free of obligation, and you're welcome to look elsewhere if you feel that you can get a better deal, although you aren't likely to – our prices are a perfect combination of quality of service and affordability.
The cost of cleaning a large commercial structure might seem over-the-top to certain owners. In these cases, we encourage the client to think of the procedure from an investment standpoint: the costs of heating and air conditioning a commercial structure are often massive on their own, and are greatly increased when the ventilation system isn't working properly. Having your air ducts cleaned might improve the effectiveness of your HVAC system by as much as 40% - that's a good deal however you look at it, and it's an investment that's bound to pay itself off in a relatively short amount of time.